Christian Christmas Reflections

Christian Christmas is a time of joy and also of reflection. Today we will leave you with some beautiful Christian Christmas reflections for you to do with family, friends or as a way of introspection. We hope you like them!

Christian Christmas Quotes

Christmas is approaching and with it comes the time of greatest joy for all Christians, since it is during these days that we all remember and celebrate that Our Lord sent his son Jesus to save us.

Nowadays, it is difficult not to fall into the maelstrom of materialism that constantly bombards us during this time and to continue living Christmas in a Christian way, with austerity, solidarity and above all, love for God.

To help you get out of this fever of consumerism that has done so much damage to the real Christmas, in this article of Your Bible Online we are going to show you some reflections, prayers and ideal phrases for Christmas and New Year that will prepare your heart for the arrival of Jesus Christ.

Seek the Lord with your heart through these reflections and enjoy a Christmas that lives up to its meaning!

10 Bible Verses On Christmas

The true meaning of Christian Christmas

To begin with, we leave you with a beautiful video of reflection about the Christian Christmas, which will remind you why we have on the calendar these dates beyond gifts, food and shopping.

In it, you will see how the center of Christmas must be the birth of Jesus, and the reconciliation of humanity with God once again. The rest is superficial and far from the meaning of Christmas that Our Lord desires.

All this does not mean that we have to completely refuse the illusion of Christmas lights or gifts given as a sign of affection, but to try to make it compatible with the Christmas of Jesus, meaning humility, love for God and recognition of our mistakes.

Share this video with whoever you want and give everyone the Christmas they deserve. In just 5 minutes of video you will get to feel the deep meaning of Christian Christmas and it will not leave you indifferent at all.

What is the True Meaning of Christmas | The Truth about Christmas

Christian phrases of reflection for Christmas

After this touching video, we are going to leave you the best Christian Christmas phrases, some of them taken from the Bible and therefore have a very deep meaning. With them, you will be able to reflect a little more about Christmas, besides having some short and easy to remember phrases for when you need them.

In all the phrases we will give you a brief explanation that will help you understand what they mean, and we have put them in images, so you can send them to your loved ones showing them all your love. Here we go!

“But the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people” (Luke 2:10 KJV 1960).

The coming of Jesus Christ should not be a reason to be afraid, but to be joyful and thankful to the Lord for giving us the opportunity to redeem our sins. He came to save the world and show us the right way to live this life.

“On Christmas may the baby Jesus give you a home filled with laughter, unshakable health and many blessings.”

At Christmas, we remember that the Lord comes into our lives to make us feel much better and that’s why it’s always nice to wish blessings to your loved ones with phrases like this one.

“And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS, for he shall save his people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:21 KJV 1960)

This verse corresponds to the annunciation in Joseph’s dream, before the birth of Christ. With this verse, we are filled with trust with God as Joseph did in his time and let faith invade our hearts waiting for the Lord.

“This Christmas sing, dance, hug tight and don’t forget to smile, for this is the season of joy.”

A perfect summary of what Christian Christmas should be: love and joy. Nobody tells us who we should hug or with whom we should dance, so we can take the opportunity to do it with those people who, due to life circumstances, cannot spend Christmas with their loved ones.

“Let the light of the newborn Jesus illuminate your home, and fill it with love and peace. Let Christmas enter your heart and make you a better person.”

We don’t have to do anything special at Christmas that we Christians don’t do the rest of the year, just open our homes and our hearts to let Jesus in and share our bread with Him and with the whole world as a sign of thanksgiving.

“That true light, which enlightens every man, was coming into this world.” (John 1:9 KJV 1960)

The Lord is light, and he came to each one of us to lead us out of the darkness and guide us along the true path of this life. His light is inexhaustible and our task is to follow it in order to save ourselves and live in full happiness.

“The sweet newborn child changed the night of my soul into torrents of light.”

Another phrase of contrast between light and dark. Christmas is a time to bring light into our lives and cannot be soiled by the materialism of today’s world, which, far from bringing light, tries to turn Christmas into a few moments of ephemeral happiness. The Lord’s Christmas is eternal.

“If you want to give a gift at Christmas, give the gift of peace and good wishes to everyone around you.”

Continuing with the theme of consumerism, this phrase tells us very clearly: give love to those around you and this gift will be much better than any other you can buy in a store. God’s peace and love do not break like a toy.

“All kings will bow down before him;

All nations shall serve him.” (Psalms 72:11 KJV 1960)

There is nothing above Our Lord, and all the people of the world should be thankful for His love at Christmas time; from the most needy to the most powerful rulers. He has given us life and His Word so that we have the opportunity to live happily.

“Christmas is not just a time of the year, it’s the month to express all the love you have in store.”

You should not wait until Christmas to get together with your loved ones, express your love to those around you or remember the Lord. Use Christmas to think about whether you do this during the rest of the year and to redirect your path if you feel it is necessary.

Short Christian Christmas Reflections

To continue with more Christmas reflections, below you will find a series of short Christmas reflections, perfect for different situations you may encounter in these times of celebration.

You can use some of them as Christmas prayers and pray with family, friends or alone these days. With them, your heart will be more prepared to receive Jesus and love Him with all your strength.

  • Short Advent Christmas Reflection

The first reflection we propose is designed for children, although Christians of all ages can use it. It is dedicated to the beginning of the Advent season, a time of waiting and preparation for the coming of Our Lord.

It is good to educate children with the deep meaning of Christmas, and to teach them that Advent is part of all Christians in a very special way, being something that unites us and leads us to be better people.

Share this Advent Christian reflection with the little ones and show them the greatness of the Lord.

Lord, Jesus,

at the beginning of this Advent season,

we place our trust in You.

Strengthens our waiting

to know how to discover you

already present in us.

Discovering yourself in good people

who goes through life doing good.

Wake us up from our dreams

and lift us up from our selfishness.

Prepare our hearts

to become the home

kind and humane

in which You may be born.

We are waiting for you and we go out to meet you.

When you arrive, full of joy

we will give you the best of our hugs.

Lord, may this time of Advent

help us to live centered on Jesus.

  • Short christmas reflection for the Christ child

The following reflection is based on a prayer formulated by Pope John XXIII for the child Jesus. With it you can wish a Merry Christmas to everyone with beautiful words and remember that Our Lord became flesh and blood to save us.

He came into the world in the humility of the manger, unprotected from the dangers of the world and bringing light into all our homes.

Thank the Lord for his sacrifice with this prayer and show him your love in all its expression.

Sweet Infant of Bethlehem, grant that we may penetrate with all our souls into this profound mystery of Christmas. Put in the hearts of men that peace which they seek, sometimes with so much violence, and which you alone can give.

Help them to know each other better and to live fraternally as children of the same Father. Discover to them also your beauty, your holiness and your purity. Awaken in his heart, ardor and gratitude to your infinite goodness. Join them in your charity. And give us all your heavenly peace. Amen

  • Reflection on the mystery of Christmas

The Christmas mystery keeps our faith alive and recognizing it brings us closer to God. Faith is the core of our lives as Christians and we should try never to lose it. The Lord invites us to say “I believe in you Lord!” with all our soul and without hesitation.

For this it is essential to lead a life in harmony with the Lord, knowing the Holy Scriptures and fulfilling the sacraments and celebrations such as Christmas.

Below, we invite you to read this powerful reflection on the mystery of Christmas that will greatly increase your faith.

It is in the humble manger that Jesus appears greatest and most glorious.

God had just given the earth a Savior and in the arms of Mary in ecstasy, the Angels adored the incarnate Word. What a lesson for our faith! Time does not diminish the depth of the mystery; centuries pass before this blessed manger, which preserves and transmits to us the memory of the birth of Jesus Christ, sublime and enchanting proof of God’s love for us! If you cannot forget your mother, your family, your homeland, Christians, do not forget the one who was born to save us.

  • Christmas reflection for the Christian family

Christmas is family time and a family prayer is always a good option for reflection and reflection. At this time of the year, family unity needs to be strengthened more than ever and it is a good time to fix any problems that may have arisen during the rest of the year.

In Christianity, the family is a very important part of life and we must prevent it from being broken or disunited. Jesus was born into a united marriage with whom he grew up, just as our faith grows together with the family of God.

The following Christmas reflection for the Catholic family is also a Christmas reflection for the evangelical family, for in these joyous times there are more things that unite us than separate us.

Mr. Jesus,

You are love and life.

You wanted to be born as we all are born, of a woman.

In this way you have blessed the family.

Make every family become

into a true sanctuary of life and love.

Let your Grace guide

the thoughts and deeds of the spouses,

for the good of their families.

Make the younger generation find in the family

a strong support for their growth in truth and in love love.

Make children that seed of hope in the family.

and thus, with our love, renew your innocence.

Make love sanctified by the grace of marriage,

prove to be stronger than any weaknesses

and any crisis.


  • Christmas reflection for Christian women

Christmas excludes no one and has a very special meaning for women. The Lord chose Mary to bring Jesus into the world and care for him until he was old enough to go on his own.

All Christian women should be thankful for this fact and educate our children in the Word of God so that they grow up healthy and happy knowing the message of the Lord.

Therefore, we share with you this Christian Christmas reflection for women that serves to thank the Lord for everything he gives you.


thank you for choosing Mary, a woman obedient to your voice,

a very favored daughter of yours, because you were with her,

blessed is she among women because she has found favor with God.

Thank you for allowing your Holy Spirit to come upon her and let her

your power covers it with its shadow;

something that has never happened before and will never happen again.

Thank you for giving him health and strength

to conceive and give birth to her son Jesus.

Thank you God for allowing your firstborn to be born out of love for us.

For he is great, the son of the Most High, heir to the throne of David.

and his kingdom has no end; he became like us.

that we may obtain your mercy and eternal forgiveness.

  • Christmas Reflection from Your Bible Online

To end today’s article, we want to leave you with a Christmas reflection from Tu Biblia Online, which we hope will touch your heart and make you feel much better.

Christmas is a time to come home, to meet with those you love the most and most importantly, to reconcile with God by thanking Him for giving us the light we need in this world.

Jesus was, is and always will be our most precious guide and we cannot lose sight of him. He is the one who lifts us up when we fall, who heals our wounds and makes us smile when all seems lost. He is our light.

For all this, Christmas should be a time of celebration, but a celebration of thanksgiving, reflection and prayer to the Lord so that he may continue to be at our side showing us the way forward.

And as we don’t want to leave without giving you one last thought, we share with you a touching video to understand what Christmas and life in general are all about:

The Best Christmas Song I've Ever Heard. It Will Give You Chills.

What did you think?

So much for this article dedicated to Christmas from Tu Biblia Online. From our team, we wish you a Merry Christmas and New Year, with your loved ones, full of love, peace and joy.

Remember that whenever you want you can browse our website and see other articles about the Bible and everything related to Christianity.

Thank you very much for reading us and see you next time!


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