Psalm 130 with meaning

In today’s article we bring you Psalm 130 of the KJV Bible, in text and audio, and with a detailed explanation of its meaning. We hope you like it and that you enjoy as much as we do this beautiful text of the Holy Scriptures.

Psalm 130 KJV

Before going into the analysis of Psalm 130, we leave you with an audiovisual version, accompanied by relaxing music, that will help you start this time of reading and reflection in a calm and peaceful way.

If you wish, you can read the Psalm accompanied by the text we leave you in the following section or you can close your eyes and focus on listening to the beauties of the text.

Psalm 130 Reading: Waiting for the Redemption of the Lord (With words - KJV)

Psalm 130 complete in English and large print

As you may have seen in the audio-visual version, this is a short psalm, but not for that reason less important or with a less significant burden.

It is one of the most widely read psalms in the Bible due to the power of its words and its message has transcended more than other psalms, becoming a pillar of the Christian faith.

Hope that Jehovah will give redemption

“From the abyss I cry out to you, Lord,

Lord, hear my voice! let your ears be attentive to the cry of my supplications!

Lord, if you do not forget the faults, Adonai, who will be able to subsist?

But from you comes forgiveness, and so you are venerated.

I wait, Lord, my soul waits, I trust in your word;

my soul counts on the Lord more than on the dawn, the watchman.

As the watchman trusts in the dawn, so let Israel trust in the Lord; for with the Lord is his goodness and the abundance of his deliverances,

And he shall deliver Israel from all their guilt.”

Meaning of Psalm 130 verse by verse

Psalm 130 or “De Profundis” in Latin, is a psalm of unknown author and is part of the so-called penitential psalms used mainly during Lent and for masses for the dead. All penitential psalms share the same expression of sorrow for fate.

Broadly speaking, the psalm is the author’s message of supplication to the Lord, in the face of a situation that is plunging him into the deepest abyss. The author entrusts his life to God, thanks to the trust and faith he has in him. We will now better understand this message by analyzing each verse of Psalm 130 and drawing conclusions from each of them.

  • Meaning of verse 1

The author finds himself in a very complicated moment that he characterizes as an abyss from which we imagine that it is difficult to get out. Already from this first verse, the author addresses God, conveying a message to always keep our Lord in mind, even in the most difficult moments.

  • Meaning of verse 2

In the second verse, we find repeatedly and much more explicitly, this request for help to the Lord. We can see that he is not asking for any specific action, simply to be heard. Many times, being listened to is one of the most effective remedies to overcome sadness, the Lord is always with us ready to do so.

  • Meaning of verse 3

In this part, we are reminded that God always forgives and thanks to his goodness and love we can move forward. Adonai means God in Hebrew.

  • Meaning of verse 4

This is the most important verse of the Psalm. God is love and also forgiveness, his goodness is infinite and helps us to overcome all moments. The Christian God, unlike other religions, is not a cruel or evil God. This premise reaffirms that we should all follow his teachings and live with love and forgiveness.

  • Meaning of verses 5 and 6

In these two verses, there is an allegory to explain to us what it means to wait and trust in God. The watchmen know that every night is followed by a dawn that enables them to keep a better watch. Trust in the Lord should be the same as we have with the sun, knowing that it will appear every day.

  • Meaning of verses 7 and 8

Finally, with the same allegory, the trust that the people of Israel have with God is explained. God will save them from their slavery and make them a renewed people.

Psalm 130 prayer

As we have said, Psalm 130 is one of the most important in the Bible. This fact is reflected in the Latin title “De profundis”, which appears in numerous literary works. Well known examples are the poem of the same name by Federico GarcĂ­a Lorca or a book by Oscar Wilde.

Moreover, the importance of Psalm 130 is so great that many musical adaptations have been made. One of the most famous is the one below by Josquin Desprez. We hope you enjoy it!

Josquin Desprez - De profundis clamavi

Here we end the article on Psalm 130. We hope that you have learned the true meaning and importance of this precious Psalm, while enjoying a quiet time of joy and reflection.


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