Psalms 27 King James Version

Find out all about Psalm 27 of the King James Version Bible (NKJV). You can listen to Psalm 27 on audio, read them at your leisure, and then delve into their reflections and curiosities. Are you going to miss it?

Psalm 27, the message

Prior to the complete reading of Psalm 27, we leave here the same psalm, but in a spoken version .

Open your heart to the Word of God and be guided by its teachings. This psalm will enlighten you in the darkest days and strengthen you in the most difficult moments.

Take a breath and fill your lungs with the strength that will grow in you by listening to Psalm 27. We are sure it will not leave you indifferent!

Psalm 27 Reading: Finding Light in the Darkness (With words - KJV)

Psalm 27 complete in English and large print

To amplify the audio you have listened to and to serve as a guide for the reflections we will make later, we leave Psalm 27 here complete in English and large print.

We hope you enjoy it as much as we do and that it evokes transcendental reflections. Try to recognize God’s love behind every word and read calmly and tenderly.

1 The Lord is my light and my salvation;

whom shall I fear?

The Lord is the stronghold of my life;

Who will be able to intimidate me?

2 When the wicked advance against me

to devour my flesh,

when my enemies and adversaries attack me,

they are the ones who stumble and fall.

3 Even when an army besieges me,

my heart will not fear;

even when a war breaks out against me,

I will keep the trust.

4 I ask only one thing of the Lord,

and that’s all I’m after:

to dwell in the house of the Lord

every day of my life,

to contemplate the beauty of the Lord

and recreate myself in its temple.

5 For in the day of affliction

he will shelter me in his dwelling place;

in the shelter of his tabernacle he will protect me,

and set me on high, on a rock.

6 He will make me prevail

in the face of the enemies that surround me;

in his temple I will offer sacrifices of praise

and I will sing psalms to the Lord.

7 Hear, O Lord, my voice when I cry out to you;

have pity on me and answer me.

8 My heart says to me, “Seek His face!”

And I, Lord, seek your face.

9 Do not hide from me;

do not reject this your servant in your anger,

because you have been my help.

Do not forsake me nor abandon me,

God of my salvation.

10 Though my father and mother forsake me,

the Lord will receive me into his arms.

11 Lead me, O Lord, in your way;

lead me in the path of righteousness,

because of those who lie in wait for me.

12 Do not give me over to the whim of my adversaries,

for false witnesses rise up against me

that breathe violence.

13 But of one thing I am sure:

I shall see the goodness of the Lord

in this land of the living.

14 Put your hope in the Lord;

be courageous, take heart;

put your hope in the Lord!


Meaning and explanation of Psalm 27

Psalm 27 or known worldwide as “Lord is my light” given the importance and beauty of the opening verse, is one of the 150 psalms contained in the Book of Psalms and, like many of them, was written by King David. As you probably already know, David was the monarch of Israel a thousand years before the birth of Jesus and thanks to his texts, he is also considered one of the most important prophets of Christianity and Judaism.

In Psalm 27, we find an authentic declaration of faith and trust. As you have been able to read, it highlights the greatness of God and the protection he provides us, giving us tremendous strength to get up and move forward.

So, if you are in a difficult moment or lack the strength and desire to continue, read this psalm with passion and include it in your prayer repertoire. You will see how, little by little, the Lord will illuminate your path and all your problems and doubts will vanish.

In the following, we will analyze the meaning of some of the verses separately to go deeper into the powerful message of the psalm. Keep those reflections that strengthen you the most and use our comments as a prayer guide to help you create your own reflections.

The first verse is the best known of the whole psalm and, as you have seen, gives it its name. Let’s see why it is so important.

“The Lord is my light and my salvation;

whom shall I fear?”

We can see that in these words we find the fundamental pillars of the Christian faith, since we put God as our guide and path to follow. Moreover, if we follow his example and teachings, no one should make us afraid.

On the other hand, the second part of the verse treats God as a defense against that which can harm us. Thus, we need not fear anything if we have faith. God safeguards and guides us on the path of life.

In the following two verses, David confirms again the message launched in the first verse, expressing the infinite trust in God who accompanies us and protects us from all evils.

Later on, the message changes the tone to explain that it is in the temple of the Lord where we will find this longed-for protection. We must interpret the temple, not only as the physical Church that may come to mind, but also as the Word of God. The Holy Scriptures are a refuge for mankind, for with them the evil of the world is eradicated.

If we focus on verses 7, 8 and 9; we can glimpse a call to God, to listen to our prayers and to show us in some way the way forward.

We can interpret that the author is in some moment of doubt or has fallen into the temptation to move away from Christ. Although the fear of being punished by God is present, he still turns to God and thanks him for all that he does for him. We see this in the phrase:

“Do not forsake me nor forsake me,

God of my salvation.”

We should follow these words to count on the Lord’s help in the most difficult moments and be grateful for everything.

This part culminates in verse 10 where we are given to understand that, even if everything fails, even our loved ones, God and his love will always remain with us, giving us that necessary push to move forward.

Finally, Psalm 27 ends with a very valid prayer in a time of threat, which perfectly matches the situations David experienced throughout his life. These last words can also be used by us in a moment of distress or when we feel that there is someone around us who wants to harm us.

More information on Psalm chapter 27 for protection

Psalm 27 is directly related to Psalm 26, so if you wish to learn and pray a little more, do not hesitate to look it up and read it slowly. Maybe in the future we will also comment on it in Tu Biblia Online for all our readers.

There are some anecdotes that revolve around Psalm 27 because of its great hopeful power. One of them tells how a woman who was being a victim of a mafia and working in a brothel against her will, wrote the first sentence of Psalm 27 on the wall of the building, and that faith can help us out of the most unlikely situations.

Maybe if you like American Western movies you’ll be even more familiar with Psalm 27. This text appeared in the film “Hostiles”, produced in 2017.

Song of Psalm Chapter 27

Finally, to close the article, we suggest you listen to this beautiful song that, although with different lyrics, is closely related to Psalm 27.

Psalm 27 - Jonathan Ogden (Official Lyric Video)

We end with this article on Psalm 27 and hope it has been useful to you. We recommend you to follow with Psalm 23 or if you prefer Psalm 34. Remember that with God’s love all things are possible and we must never lose hope. See you next time!


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